Enrollment Guide for International Students of Jiaxing Vocational and Technical College
1. About Us
Jiaxing Vocational and Technical College is a public higher vocational institution organized by the Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, with a history of more than 70 years.The college has three campuses, covering a total area of 0.8 km2, with a construction area of 440,000 m2. The school has 1,242 teaching staff, including more than 700 full-time teachers.
JXVTC has 10 full-time branch schools, including School of Aviation and Orbit, School of Intelligent Manufacture, School of Internet, School of Cyberspace Security, School of Modern Agriculture, School of Urban Construction, the School of Culture and Tourism, School of Modern Business, School of Fashion and Art Design and Haiyan College, as well as academic and administrative units such as School of International Education, School of Entrepreneurship, School of Continuing Education and School of Community Education. The school has 42 full-time enrollment majors including Virtual Reality Application Technology, Internet of Things Application Technology, Drone Application Technology, Mechanics Technology, Clothing and Fashion Design, Construction Engineering Technology, CNC Technology, Software Technology, Tourism Management, and Horticulture Technology, etc. As of December 2022, there are more than 14,300 full-time students enrolled. For more than 70 years, JXVTC has been practicing the school motto of "Virtue, Knowledge, and Ability" and has trained more than 100,000 students with responsibility, dedication, skill, and ability. It has trained more than 100,000 people with responsibility, professionalism, excellent skills, and international vision.
In recent years, JXVTC has insisted on the internationalization path attaching equal importance to introducing and outputting. It has been actively developing Sino-foreign cooperative programs, introducing international quality resources and vocational education standards; exporting skills training for the "Belt and Road" initial and serving Chinese enterprises to "go global"; promoting bilingual courses and launching international student programs; expanding the scale of student exchange and improving students' international perspective. JXVTC has made solid progress in international exchange and cooperation.
二、 招生项目
2. Admission Programs
JXVTC offers the following programs for international students:
(1)Degree-granting program
学习期限 3 年,完成人才培养方案规定的教学内容,修满学分,毕业论文通过答辩,可获得毕业证书。(招生专业及学费详见“学历生项目招生专业及学费标准”)
For three academic years, a diploma will be awarded so long as you complete the course contents and credits prescribed in the talent training plan and qualify for the thesis defense. (See "Majors and Tuition Standards for Degree-granting Program" for details about majors and tuition)
(2)Non-degree-granting program
One who has obtained educational qualification above high school, if he or she studies elective courses or Chinese language courses as required by JXVTC, will be awarded a continuing education certificate at the end of the study. It includes two sub-programs:
1) 短期交换生项目:国外大学或学院与澳门太阳集团城签署校际交流协议或院系级交流协议,选派非中国国籍的学生到澳门太阳集团城按规定选修专科生课程。(具体招生专业和收费按协议执行)
1) Short-term inter-school exchange program: By entering an inter-school or inter-faculty exchange agreement with JXVTC overseas universities or colleges can send students who are not of Chinese nationality to study elective courses at JXVTC. (Specific details about majors and tuition standards should be implemented as agreed)
2) 专业进修项目:通过团体报名或个人申请的方式到澳门太阳集团城选修相关专业课程。(具体招生专业和学费标准参照非学历生项目相关规定)
2) Professional continuing education program: One can study elective major courses at JXVTC by means of group registration or individual application. (Specific details about majors and tuition standards should be implemented in line with the relevant regulations for the non-degree-granting programs)
3) 汉语言进修项目:通过团体报名或个人申请的方式到澳门太阳集团城接受汉语言培训进修相关课程。(具体学费标准参照非学历生项目相关规定)
3) Chinese Language Courses Program: Apply as a group or individually to receive further Chinese language training at JXVTC. (Specific details about tuition standards should be implemented in line with the relevant regulations for the non-degree-granting programs)
3. Application for Admission
(1)Basic requirements
Ø 申请人需为非中国籍人士,年满18周岁、不超过30周岁,身心健康;
Ø The applicant should be a non-Chinese national, aged 18 to 30, being in good mental and physical health.
Ø 申请人应具有高中以上学历,并持有一年以上有效期内的外国护照;
Ø The applicant should obtain educational qualifications above high school and hold a foreign passport valid for more than a year.
Ø 申请人愿意遵守中国法律及学校的规章制度、对华态度友好、尊重中国人民的风俗习惯;
Ø The applicant should be willing to abide by Chinese laws and the rules and regulations of JXVTC, uphold a friendly attitude towards China, and respect Chinese customs and traditions.
(2) 汉语水平要求
(2)Chinese proficiency requirements
Ø 申请人作为学历生和短期专业进修生申请到澳门太阳集团城学习,需提供汉语水平考试HSK4级及以上证书; 对未取得 HSK4级及以上证书者,学校对其进行汉语水平测试,测试成绩合格者(相当于HSK4级水平),予以录取。
Ø The applicant, who applies for study at JXVTC as a degree student or an advanced student taking a short-term study should provide an HSK4 certificate or above; for those who have not obtained such a certificate, JXVTC will organize a Chinese proficiency test, and those who pass it (equivalent to HSK4 level) will be admitted.
Ø 申请人作为汉语进修生申请到澳门太阳集团城学习,需提供汉语水平考试HSK2级及以上证书;对对未取得 HSK2级及以上证书者,学校对其进行汉语水平测试,测试成绩合格者(相当于HSK2级水平),予以录取。
Ø The applicant, who applies for study at JXVTC as a Chinese language courses student should provide an HSK2 certificate or above; for those who have not obtained such a certificate, JXVTC will organize a Chinese proficiency test, and those who pass it (equivalent to HSK2 level) will be admitted.
(3)Application and admission procedures
申请人进入澳门太阳集团城国际教育学院网站并点击国际学生入学申请网页(/english/) 下载并填写申请表。
The applicant may enter the admission application website for international students (/english/) to download and fill out the application form.
Documents required include:
1 | 澳门太阳集团城国际学生入学申请表 Admission Application Form for International Students of JXVTC |
2 | 护照首页(一年有效期以上); 如果申请人曾经或者已经在中国境内,需提供护照的最近一次入境记录 Front page of passport (Valid for more than a year); if the applicant was or has been in China, the last arrival record in the passport should be provided |
3 | 最高学历证明或者证书 Proof or certificate of highest academic qualification |
4 | 最高学历学习期间历年成绩单 Transcripts of highest academic qualification |
5 | HSK证书或者汉语水平证明 HSK certificate or Chinese proficiency certificate |
6 | 无犯罪记录证明(由当地警察机构开局) Certificate of no criminal record (Issued by the local public security organ) |
7 | 体检证明(6个月有效期) Certificate of physical examination (Valid for 6 months) |
8 | 2寸免冠白底证件照电子照片 Electronic ID photo (2-inch bareheaded photo with white background) |
自申请截止日期到录取信息发出至少需要 8-10 周的时间。在此期间学校相关部门将对申请材料进行审阅评价,并组织必要的考试考核。录取结果请在学校国际教育学院网站查看。学校将尽快发放录取通知书及相关材料。
It takes us at least 8 to 10 weeks after the application deadline to send out the formal Letter of Admission. We may inform you to attend an interview or request additional materials according to your application process during this period. If you are accepted, we will send you a Letter of Admission and other relevant documents as soon as possible. To track the progress of your application, please check the admission application system for international students (/english/).
JXVTC will issue the bilingual Admission Letter and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW202) to the admitted students. Applicants apply to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your country for X visa with these original admission documents
(4)Application timetable
申请入学时间 Desired Admission Date | 申请截止时间 Application Deadline | 学期 Semester |
秋季学期Fall semester (1st Semester) | 6月30日 June 30 | 9月至下一年1月 From September to January of the following year |
春季学期Spring semester (2nd Semester) | 12月30日 December 30 | 2月至6月 From February to June |
4. Majors and Fees
学历生项目招生专业及学费标准 Major and Tuition Standards for Degree-granting Program |
二级学院 Secondary School | 专业 Major | 教学语言 Teaching Language | 学费标准(元/学年) Tuition (RMB/academic year) |
互联网学院 School of Internet | 软件技术 Software technology | 中文 Chinese | 14000 |
现代商贸学院 School of Modern Business | 国际经济与贸易International Economics and Trade | 中文 Chinese | 14000 |
非学历生项目学费标准 Tuition Standards Non-degree-granting program |
类别 Study program category | 汉语言进修项目 Chinese language courses program | 专业进修项目 Professional continuing education program | 短期交换生项目 Inter-School exchange program |
学制 Academic Year | 1年 1 year | 1-12个月 1-12months | 按校际合作协议执行 Operate according to the inter-school agreement signed by both parties |
学费标准(元人/学年) Tuition (RMB/academic year) | 14000 | 3000-14000 |
(2)Living expenses
部分生活费用 Certain Living Expenses |
项目 Item | 收费准(元人民币/人) Charging Standards(RMB/Person) | 备注 Remarks |
留学生公寓 International student dormitory | 1600(仅供参考,以实际为准)(For reference only, subject to practice) | 每年 Annually |
居留许可办理 Residence permit | 400(仅供参考,以实际为准)(For reference only, subject to practice) | 每年 Annually |
保险 Insurance | 800(仅供参考,以实际为准)(For reference only, subject to practice) | 每年 Annually |
体检 Physical examination | 450(仅供参考,以实际为准)(For reference only, subject to practice) | 每年 Annually |
5. Scholarships
To encourage outstanding students to international schools and optimize the talent training environment so that they can be motivated to study harder, JXVTC has formulated the Measures for the Management of Scholarships for International Students.
(1) 学校设置的奖学金分优秀学生综合奖学金、专项奖学金、“一带一路”友好奖学金和企业奖学金四类,实行不同奖励标准:
(1) The school-level scholarships are divided into four categories: comprehensive scholarships for outstanding students, specialized scholarships, "One Belt, One Road" friendship scholarships and enterprise scholarships, with different award criteria:
奖学金类别 Scholarship categories | 奖项设置 Award settings | 奖励额度 Award amount |
优秀学生综合奖学金 comprehensive scholarships for outstanding students | 一等奖 First Prize | 6000元/学年 6000 RMB/Academic year |
二等奖 Second Prize | 3000元/学年 3000 RMB/Academic year |
三等奖 Third Prize | 1000元/学年 1000 RMB/Academic year |
专项奖学金 Specialized scholarships | 校级以上(含校级)的文体比赛、创新创业技能大赛、汉语水平竞赛、各类作品征集活动中的获奖者 Winners of sports and cultural competitions, innovation and entrepreneurship skills competitions, Chinese language competitions, and various artwork collection activities at the school level or above (including school level) | 500元/学年 500 RMB/Academic year |
“一带一路”友好奖学金 "One Belt, One Road" friendship scholarships | 奖励来自“一带一路”倡议沿线国家、对华友好、成绩优秀、品德优良的外国留学生 Awarded to foreign students from countries along the "Belt and Road" initiative who are friendly to China, have excellent academic performance, and good moral character | 学历留学生1000元/月 1000 RMB/Month for Degree-granting program students |
非学历留学生1000元/月 1000 RMB/Month for Non-Degree-granting program students |
企业奖学金 Enterprise scholarships | 校企合作单位提供,根据与企业协商结果实施。 Sponsored by partner enterprises, and conduct according to agreement achieved between college and enterprise. |
(2)Scholarships for international students provided by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province
按照《浙江省教育厅、浙江省财政厅关于印发浙江省政府来华留学生奖学金管理办法的通知》(浙教国际 (2019)20号)文件的相关规定,组织申报
Scholarships should be declared in accordance with the provisions in the Notice of the Department of Education and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance on Issuing the Measures for the Management of Scholarships from the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province for International Students(ZJGJ[2019] No.20).
6. Service Guide
(1) 作为一名来华学习的国际学生,应当遵守中国法律法规和国家政策,尊重中国风俗习惯,遵守学校规章制度。尤其需知晓以下重要条规:
(1) As an International student, you are expected to comply with Chinese Laws and Regulations, and the rules set by the college, and to respect Chinese customs. Below are the important things you need to know first:
Ø 外国人在抵达中国后24小时内,需及时办理临时住宿登记。
Ø Foreigners must get temporary residence registration at a local police station within 24 hours of their arrival in China. Otherwise, you will be regarded as an illegal resident and be fined accordingly.
Ø X1签证在中国境内从入境起只能停留30天,入境之日起30天内需申请居留许可。
Ø X visa is only 30 days valid from the date of entry into China. Please go through all the procedures of registration to the university and apply within thirty days of arrival for the residence permit to the local police authority.
Ø 签证、居留许可过期未离境属于非法滞留,将会受到警方罚款等处罚。
Ø Staying in China after the visa or resident permit expires will be regarded as illegal behavior.
Ø 携带毒品入境,贩卖、运输、吸食、教唆引诱他人吸食毒品(包括大麻)等行为是违法行为。
Ø These are illegal acts such as bringing drugs to China, selling or transporting drugs, and instigating or inducing others to take drugs in China. Please note that drugs are totally forbidden in China including marijuana.
Ø 在高等学校学习期间不得就业、经商或从事其他经营性活动。
Ø Students are not allowed to take part-time or full-time jobs in China. Operating a business or being engaged in other business-related activities is also not permitted.
(2) 新生报到
(2) Registration
1)Registration documents
Passport, visa, the original or copy of admission notice, five front photos with a white background (in size of 35mm * 45mm), and hard copy of all the original application documents.
2)Registration site
College of International Education of JXVTC, Administrative Building, Office No. 308
3)Registration procedure
Review and check admission documents and original application documents—on-campus accommodation check-in—payment of fees—successful registration
4. 缴费须知
4. Payment of fees
Tuition is required to be paid off within 15 working days after registration in JXVTC. Accommodation fee and other fees are required to pay off according to relevant regulations of the college.
Please Note:
Ø 如未能提供相关报到材料或者提供虚假报到材料,或未能在规定时间内缴纳相关费用,不予注册。
Ø If you fail to provide the relevant application materials or provide false application materials or fail to pay the relevant fees within the stipulated time, you are not allowed to register.
Ø 如不能在规定时间内报到入学,应提前与国际教育学院邮件联系,说明情况,得到允许的情况下在指定时间内报到。
Ø You must register with all the original application documents at College of International Education within the stipulated time. If you fail to register within the time limit without the permission of College of International Education, you will be regarded as giving up enrollment.
Ø 如在指定的报到注册日期之前到达学校,请自行解决报到注册日之前日期的住宿。
Ø If you arrive at the school before the designated check-in date, please arrange your own accommodation for the days before the check-in date.
Ø 如需校外住宿,需向国际教育学院办公室申请,填写申请表格并提交相关材料,经国际交学院批准后方可校外住宿。校外住宿者需在入住住所24小时内,自行前往居住地派出所做临时住宿登记。
Ø Students who apply to live off-campus are required to submit the application form and provide relevant documents to College of International Education. After getting approved by College of International Education, students can live off-campus. Students who live off campus should do temporary residence registration within 24 hours at the local police station where he/she lives.
7. Contact Us
学校地址: 浙江省嘉兴市经济技术开发区桐乡大道547号
邮政编码: 314036
Add: No.547 Tongxiang Avenue, Economic and Technological Development District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province
P.C: 314036