Have you ever seen the pair of foreigners on our campus? Do you want to have a close touch with them? That is the reason why we write the article in public. Now let’s have an interview to them. Perhaps you’ll be interested in their story.
At first, I’d like to show you some basic information about our foreign teachers. Claire Jessica Backhouse, a pretty and active lady. She is fair and has a pair of light blue eyes, sometimes it seems to be brown. We told her the skin she has is just what we’re eager to get. “But I am annoyed of it. It’s so pale that looks like I am sick.” She said. Then she explained that the popular skin in Britain is brown. It stands for health, which everyone is pursuing. That’s quite different from the Chinese idiom “一白遮百丑”. She comes to China with her boyfriend, whose full name is Lee John Taylor. Lee, a handsome and tall guy. Both of them are from Britain. He is in his thirties. Three years older than Claire. The first time we saw him is at the bottom of our teaching building. He’s talking with other teachers. I looked at him carefully and only one word can be used to describe him: Gentleman. He is a little shy guy with good manners. Both the way of his speaking and table manners.
暮春的一天中午,连续几天阴霾的天空难得放晴,心情也豁然开朗,所有的一切都为此次的采访铺下不错的开端。这次的次采访是在我们学校的餐馆拉开序幕的。众所周知,中国人习惯的待客之道是请客吃饭,也有不少事情是在这种融洽的气氛中进行的。因此,我们也毫不例外地沿袭了这一传统。言归正传,let’s start the point.. Here are some questions we asked.
No.1 What’s most impressive thing in our college on you mind?
“Well, we have been China just for two weeks. So we’re not familiar with the environment. But the students really have a deep impression on me.” Said Lee, “Yeah, you’re very kind and polite. But there’s one obvious difference between us.” She added.然后他告诉我们,国外的学生比我们活跃得多,他们乐于在课堂上发表自己的观点,而且更像对待朋友的方式与老师相处。他们也比我们更加成熟,这一点相信很多人都有同感。
No.2 I know you were also engaged in the occupation of being a teacher before. Compared with the teaching lift in Britain, have you got some pressure that four classes a day on average in our college?
“Not at all, in fact, I had six classes a day abroad. It’s much easier than before. I do like teaching.” Claire said.
“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”狭隘的地域并不能捆绑住她想飞越世界的翅膀。在此,我也遗憾地告诉大家,明年的今天,我们在校园里也许就看不见他们的身影了,但是我相信总有一份思念和祝福一直伴随着我们。看来,几乎没有什么理由能够说服精力充沛的她长此停留。而她向往的,仅是穿越不同国度,体验非凡教学生涯。从她那蓝色的双眼中,我隐约感受到她对未来的憧憬和向往。我想我已领悟她的话语,用中文来概括,即“只有在走过之后才能发现,每一个城市都有只属于自己的灵魂。” “Lee and I taught in the same college when we were in Canada. But it’s difficulty for me to stay in one place for a long time. Lee knew what I thought and he always supported me to do whatever I want, which I am really appreciated.” Claire told us.尽管两人必须分隔两地,必须分开很长一段时间,但天性好动的她最终还是决定离职,飞往另一个神秘国度,谱写另一章别样的人生历程,唯一的遗憾——没有另一半的陪同。那些遗憾落在心中的城市,总有与之相对的人存在着,而加拿大的那个城市,就是她念念不忘的。
回想往事,那双总是发亮的蓝色双眸泛着淡淡忧伤。对于许多人来说,人生只需要一份稳定的工作加幸福的生活,但还是有些人愿意放弃这种安逸的人生去挑战自我,这不禁使我们联想起那些有才能的志愿者乐于对中国西部的支教事业作出自己的一份贡献。Fortunately, there’s still something in common between China and the foreign countries.No.3,what did you do before being a teacher?
“Well, I used to be a Theatre actor.” She stopped for a moment, then she gave a further explanation for us after seeing the confused expression on our face. Finally, we figured out the job she did. “What about Lee?” We asked. “I was working on film-making before a teacher,”
采访仍在进行,但由于Lee下午有课,不得不提前离开,这确实有一点小小的遗憾。随后,Claire为了满足我们的好奇心,主动讲起Lee的家庭,其中最搞笑的是:4个月前,Lee的妹妹刚生了一个可爱的女婴,然后Lee很高兴地接过来抱,“He was very scared , he shouted when the baby was in his arms.” “what should I do, who can tell me, it is so small , oh , take it away, please.” Claire described the situation for us and try to imitate what Lee acted at that time. It is so funny. All of us laughed, then I can not help asking her: “How can you find such a good boyfriend. You are so lucky.” “Really? He must be very happy after hearing what you said.” She replied whit a smile.为了使采访更加有意思,我们发扬了具有中国特色的刨根问底的探索精神,强烈要求讲述两人的罗曼史,Claire豪爽地满足了我们的要求。
五年前,两人都是加拿大某大学的教师,X时X刻在校园的X角落Claire偶遇Lee,当时Lee似乎正与一位不知名士辩论着某个话题,辩论很激烈。这时,Claire并不苟同Lee的观点,于是主动上前与之展开对决。自此,俩人认识,Lee每天都会端着两杯咖啡与她一起聊天交谈。于是,恋爱ing上演(具体内容请参照XX电影版本,真人演绎绝对生动精彩)。Claire很尊重Lee的父母,几乎每星期都会去拜访几次。“They are all very nice and like me very much.”从语言中不难看出,结婚是早晚之事,让我们衷心祝福这对甜蜜恋人,愿天下有情人终成眷属。“He fell in love with me at the first sight.” Claire said happily and shyly.
No.4 What would you like to do when you are free?
“I am fond of reading and riding motorbike.” She answered, “Lee also likes riding motorbike. We love the feeling of riding on the highroad. The motorbike goes very fast and you will feel wonderful on it. It is so cool to ride it on camps.” She said happily.她本想给我们看一下她那重型机车的照片,但很遗憾,大概是遗忘在英国了。Claire告诉我们她父亲也很喜欢这一运动,大概这就是遗传因素吧。
很幸运,Claire能够成为我们班的外教。因此,能够在此发表对她的看法。对于我来说,她是一份宝贵的财富,犹记第一次见到她,朴素,但很有气质。第一眼判断,觉得会是文静内敛之人。然而,当她开口说话的一瞬间,希望随之破灭。她带给我们的是一种截然不同的视觉感受。喜欢看她手舞足蹈,竖着拇指夸赞我们:“Fantastic, excellent, well done!”的画面,喜欢看她眉飞色舞,激情昂扬的丰富神态,喜欢看她神采奕奕地背着大包踏进教室,别扭地拿起粉笔,一边懊恼一边无奈地嘀咕:“I do not like it at all, it is not good for me.”喜欢看她下课后抱着脑袋尽力回想每个人的名字:“Jame…., and you, do not tell me, I can remember it. Wait a minute. I know everybody.”当我们大笑着告诉她时,Claire会假装懊恼地抱怨:“I can remember, I know.”我不敢说在经过短短几天的相处中,能够了解她很多,但确实她是一位有责任心的教师。She really feels a strong sense of responsibility towards us. She encourages everyone to share the opinion with us. “It is impolite to disturb others when they are answering the question, what is more, it will influence them and make them nervous.” She explained seriously.不难发现,在课堂上她竭力让学生保持安静,尊重和夸奖每一位发言人,并且带头鼓掌和赞扬: “Excellent, well done, fantastic….”
That is what I want to tell you. Claire, an energetic and active teacher;Lee, a handsome and polite teacher. Trust me, you can be friends with them.